Kombucha Tea in Glass Container Local Virginia Customers Only

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Delicious Mango Ginger Kombucha Tea

Wonderful Kombucha Tea Brewed in Amherst, Va from Laura Rhodes Naturals is packaged in 12 oz or 16 oz glass bottle or Pint or Quart jar for Local Customers Only.

Finally, you get to experience our Wild and Wonderful Kombucha Tea, a probiotic, cleansing, raw, fermented tea, fresh out of Amherst, VA. Local Customers only for Meet up or Pick up.

Each bottle will be labeled and have a shrink-wrap seal.

Sizes and prices are reflected in drop down menu. Please indicate flavor at checkout.

For case discounts, contact me for a quote.

People of the Orient have called Kombucha the "Immortal elixir of life" for centuries. This ancient drink is loaded with probiotics, the healthy, good bacteria in your gut that your body needs to digest food and detoxify your body. It has lots of glucosamines, which is very good for helping with joint pain (like arthritis). Rich in antioxidants, it will boost your immunity and drive out the free radicals.

Delicious Strawberry Kombucha Tea

Kombucha is an all natural health beverage full of probiotics and other healthy amino acids. Probiotic literally means “for life”. Unlike antibiotics, which kill ALL of the bacteria in your body, even the good stuff, probiotics re-establish the natural ecology of the intestinal flora. Probiotics are said to boost immunity, enhance mood, fight allergies, detoxify the body and rid the body of disease.

For more information about Kombucha, answers to frequently asked questions, its benefits and uses, please go to: LauraLynnRhodes.com

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